Stanzas 18 & 19 of Chbab Kerti Kal (Codes of Conduct: Hereafter)
Griha oy phcit phcam
Kum oy phan phuy dhuliJamrah par pos tiOy hmat hman koet sukha.Anjuli duk oy ganPrak knun than duk oy jaProe khnum moel mukh vaDoh kac ja moel oy staen.Let your house be spick and spanWith no dust rising.Clean, rake and sweep the groundSo that its neatness will cause content.Put your needles away safelyAnd keep carefully the money in your purse.When you give orders to your servants, look at their facesTo see whether they are good or ill-natured.
Composed in Pad Brahmagiti (Brahma’s Song Metre) 17th Century or earlier
Transliteration by Judith M. Jacob